Thursday, July 30, 2009


Welcome to NorCal Tarheel. This blog will be an insight into my life in new surroundings in Sonoma County CA. First of all the title of todays ramblings, Eureka! It is the state motto, and as you might guess it goes back to the gold rush era, but for me it conveys the emotion I have getting to California. I have had the pleasure of travelling here to visit family with my wife Susan several times in the past decade+. Each visit left us with a great attraction to the climate, scenery and culture. This year it all came to the point of... if not now, when? We took the big step, with the encouragement of our great friends and our families and here we are. It was way harder than we dreamed, but it all came together, and we are now settling in well. This blog will focus on life through a cyclists view of new surroundings, often noting the differences I see. I will try to stay in a positive frame of mind, and I do hope it will be a bit of a travelog. Back to the title. California is huge. Get a US map out. It is bigger than some countries and its GDP would put it in #8 of world economies were it a country on its own. But it is very diverse in climate, culture, economics and politics. NorCal is a term used by the people above the San Fran area to portray the pride the northern folk have in the differences they enjoy. I can't begin to give you an authoratative outline, but over time we will get there. For now, it's part - layed back, part - enjoy life especially outdoors, a good deal country (Sonoma is more rural than Catawba Cty) a fair amount sophisticated as it is only an hour drive from San Francisco. Bikes! Bikes everywhere, all the time. From the racer heads to the less fortunate who rely on two wheels all the time and everything in between. How about valet parking for bikes at numerous events! Mountain bikes, road bikes, fixies, old junkers, cruisers, its all out there all the time. But, drivers are not all bikefriendly, in fact I think drivers resent our numbers somewhat. Cyclists are so numerous that many act like own the place. So paradise does have a spoilt edge to it. Ah, humans. I will give you some riding reflections soon, I have been a Norcal rider for two solid weeks now! Ciao, HH