Slipping down autumn into winter. Three of the last four weekends have been rainy to some degree. Letting my weekly mileage drop actually feels good and cyclocross doesn't require it anyway, so after a long road season those are deserved benefits. Starting some night rides on the mountain bike has been fun. Back in the mid- nineties it was a regular part of my weekly entertainment. Which brings me to the meat of todays topic. It's been a revelatory year in my life, the change to living in Sonoma County has been thrilling but has also been testing. The new cultural experiences, the new sights, new routines, have been exciteing and energizing, but they become sort of unsettling at a point. "All the comforts of home" as the saying goes, seem to reflect on the comforts of the usual,the expected. I feel like I have begun to have some of that "comforts of 'new' home" here now. I still thrill a bit to see bike riders out on a rainy Friday night. the beauty of well tended vineyards everywhere, and I love to see the amount of determination to support local produce, meats, dairies, seafood and stores in general. But it feels good to accept as common too. Last year as we slipped down into winter was a tough six weeks or so and home-sickness caught me by surprise. This winter should be a little easier.
I am now driving a car with CA plates, still the VW. I had to turn in my "First in Flight" plate this week, it was a little sad giving it that last look.
Drove down to the miniscule town of Marshall for some oysters a week ago. The place looks like a bait shack, but the food is delish. You can enjoy a meal nearly in the water

This Thanksgiving I encourage you to enjoy the good things around you and the people in your life, it is so easy to take them for granted, but find some adventure too. Adventure isn't so much about new places as it is having yourself set for new experience, new tests if you will. Ride somewhere new, face a little more uncertainty and let your mind open up. It can be a great experience, adventure doesnt have to be climbing a mountain never climbed before. The real geography is happening in your head.
Thanks for reading