Harvest season in the wine country

Pacific sunset early November

two shots from my standard quick ride from home

Well, its been nearly one month, numerous post ideas have bubbled up in my consciousness only to be unable to form a nice frothy head in the beer glass of Norcal Tarheels life. November and December are not on my list of favorite months. The beautiful vineyard harvest season has finished. As a cyclist the diminishing daylight and general dreariness are depressing. In Northern California we enter a damp or rainy season as well. You may remember my foot injury, it kept me out of cyclocross, which usually keep me riding and happy. I still can ride but my opportunities and motivation are small. I still commute to work usually one way. This 12 miles does help my outlook. One day I did take the car, and I passed quite a few cyclists. I felt like a traitor, as I drove past I wanted to holler "I am a cyclcommuter too"! The club rides continue with riders still doing impromptu centuries some days, and rain does not cancel a group ride here. Sheesh! These folks are tough. My work schedule makes my participation infrequent. Oh yeah, work,-over Thanksgiving week we moved Windsor Bicycle Center about one mile over to its new vastly improved location. From a 1200' rather ratty strip center spot to a 4000' prime spot on the town green. A very pleasant mixed use center on a park setting. Come see me! I'll show you some fine bikes from Giant and Felt.
There is a guy I've met who is a staffer with the BMC pro team based here in Santa Rosa, they are Swiss owned I believe. You may recall they have picked up George Hincapie, Karsten Kroon and Cadel Evans for '10. He said we are likely going to see the team riding in the area late January. I still haven't bumped into Levi or any of the other pros who live or frequent Sonoma County CA
The curtain is about to come down on 2009 and all of the associated resolutions have been long forgotten, most changes, those unlike my move to California, happen in increments. I hope you can look back happily on your cycling year. So forget the resolutions for 2010 but dream a little bit and get out there and ride. Come on Springtime.
Thanks for reading
Why can't North Carolina be like your part of the world? We're freezing out here and bike riding takes a firm comittment. Still enjoy the pictures and the dialogue. Keep 'em comin'.
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