They told me it may come. I suppose the earlier rains have prepared me, but.... this has been the week of rain. One storm after another has rolled in off the Pacific. Four of them this week. We will probably get 6-7+ inches of rain before Saturday. Then a day or so of sun then some more rain. We have had some windy periods, kinda like east coast tropical storm winds, the kind that blows down trees. Today I was in the car and watched a guy roll out of a neighborhood on a bike, yeah he had tights, rain jacket, and stuff. His bike had fenders. He blasted off like he was out for a hard training ride. It was a solid day of steady rain. A couple days ago a guy rolled his bike in with a front wheel that looked like a potato chip. He had full rain suit, lights etc. He dropped off the pavement edge and ruined a wheel. He was obviously a randonneur, judging by the bike and gear. Look it up or ask Joe V. But the weather that day was HEAVY rain and wind. As I've said before, there are some dedicated riders here.
The photo above was from Sunday, the wave of storms was just starting, and I dashed out during a lull. I only got sprinkled on the last three miles. The photo is Mt. Hood which you, the faithful, may remember from a previous post. The clouds are just at the mountain top. So you see it pays to follow regularly as my blog refers back to itself. Is that self-referential? Lake Sonoma, also see a previous post, is up over eight feet. This certainly helps the drought we've been in for a while. I'll have to remember this rain in midMay through September when it will-not-rain.
I hope all is well with you. Have you noticed the increasing daylight?
Thanks for reading
Seems like the weather is keeping all of us from riding the way we wish. About the photos and the information, very nice. I enjoy seeing the other side of the country.
ReplyDeleteJim B