Ah, Spring, it really is grand. I'm sure all cyclists can relate. Longer days and milder temps.
Last week Susan took me on a route she had recently been introduced to, lots of wildflowers and interesting new views. Sorry, no camera that day, but it was bird day. Hawks, bluebirds,goldfinches and some tri-coiored woodpecker all made themselves known. Lots of Redwinged Blackbirds in their usual marshy habitat. Susan said we'd see them, I think they were looking for her.
On my Monday ride we had a Levi sighting. It was the first time I had seen him on the roads. He lives here in Santa Rosa. He was heading the other way, so we let him go on his way. We all brainstormed on were he was headed. I little last minute leg work before flying to NM for the Tour of the Gila, which started today. George Hincapie rode into town Sunday, on a 114 mile charity ride from Davis Ca. This ride drew 800 riders to follow the stage to Santa Rosa in the Amgen Tour of CA. Future references here will be simpy ATOC as I'm typing challenged and take certain liberties. Georges new team affiliation. BMC, tho' Swiss owned is US registered and based here in Santa Rosa. Look for details of the race day finish some time soon. The big day is May 17.
Keep the wheels turning, 'til later
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