Friday, January 25, 2013

Long time, but not, gone.

Still at it, I know that I've been quiet for a few months, but I am getting back in the swing here. Winter was very dry this year and mostly mild, we hit a short span of 80 degree days in November. We don't see that much in the summer. I haven't been able to ride much though. Now I am. spring here is a riot of color, the stand out for me are the Acacia trees, they tend to be 20 feet tall and a mass of deep yellow small flowers. Got a new road bike this year. Decided to try the Giant Defy Advanced 2. My first bike not in the standard road race geometry. That is slightly longer wheelbase and taller headtube/shorter top tube- the so called endurance riders bike.I didn't expect to be so impressed. On the tecnical descents here, it is so confident, on the flats it reads my mind hammering into corners keeping the line effortlessly. Rough very rough surfaces keeps a very tight line, it is good accelerating and stout feeling but not to harsh. The term often used on these bikes is comfort road, but I think thats very misleading. Its confident and makes you want to ride long rides. Oh, and I upgraded it to Di2. Very fine!

1 comment:

  1. This actually a draft that I just found from Spring 2012. Still lovin the bike.
